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Support for Every Student!
The University of Mississippi

Absence from Class Notifications

From University of Mississippi MBook (2022)
Section III – pg. 125

UMatter: Student Support & Advocacy can serve as a liaison for students in critical and/or life altering situations where students are unable to communicate with their faculty. Absence notifications forwarded by staff who work with Students of Concern provide information to faculty members but DO NOT EXCUSE ABSENCES nor serve as a request for a student’s absences to be excused.

It is important to note that excused absences and makeup work are granted solely at the discretion of each class instructor, even if an absence notification is sent from UMatter: Student Support & Advocacy. Students are strongly encouraged to communicate directly with their instructors regarding class absences. Additionally, Absence from Class Notifications are not necessarily retroactive. When a currently enrolled student has been affected by an emergency or crisis that causes one or more absences from class, the student should immediately contact his or her instructors. A student who cannot report the emergency or crisis because of hospitalization, emergency service, urgent travel needs, or incapacitation may rely on another party (parent, close relative, care giver, etc.) to report the absence(s).

Health care providers at the Student Health Center will not provide written explanations regarding absences from class for illnesses not diagnosed and treated at the Health Center.

Students with emergencies or instructors with questions should contact UMatter: Student Support & Advocacy at 662-915-7248.