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The University of Mississippi

Confidential Reporting

Confidential Resources for reporting Title IX violations:

The following mental health and medical service providers at the University of Mississippi have a statutory privilege of confidentiality under Mississippi state law and do not have to report to the Equal Opportunity and Regulatory Compliance Office/Title IX Coordinator disclosures of Title IX violations received while acting within the scope of their privilege:


The following employees have been designated by the University of Mississippi as confidential support resources and do not have to report to the Equal Opportunity and Regulatory Compliance Office/Title IX Coordinator identifying information about a Title IX violation unless the Title IX Coordinator determines that the confidential support resource employee must provide identifying information due to overriding safety concerns for either the complainant or the University community. These confidential support resources are:

  • UMatter: Student Support and Advocacy Case Managers and office staff; Phone Number: 662-915-7248; Website:;  Email:


Those who are designated as “responsible employees” have no confidentiality (i.e. employees whom a student could reasonably believe to be in a position of authority, including, without limitation, all faculty, instructors, administrators, supervisors, residential assistants and graduate teaching assistants) and MUST promptly report to the Title IX Coordinator all information known about the disclosed incidents of a Title IX violation. Failure to promptly report can result in discipline.